Other Features

Paradigm Worlds is built upon a wide variety of systems, too many to make individual pages for each, but all equally important to the experience. On this page you can find descriptions and information on some of the smaller, more intricate features of Paradigm Worlds.


Special Battle Modes

During battle, the player can enter one of 3 special modes. Each weapon type grants access to different mode.

    Activated by melee weapons (one and two-handed, polearms) - Slows down time - Huge Killing Bonuses to melee combat, almost total decrease in accuracy (rendering ranged weapons useless)
    Activated by any bow or small firearm like a pistol, SMG or certain unique items - Slows down time - Improves accuracy, dramatically improves damage and provides slight zoom effect at a cost of melee combat skills.
    Activated by sniper rifles - Slows down time - Does not grant any special skills, provides ultra-zoom
Slow-motion works ONLY when 'Enable cheats' is ticked in the Mount & Blade Launcher options menu. Zoom and special skills work no matter what.

Sending Companions on Missions

Companions have a new "Missions" option in their dialogue options (which can be found by selecting them in your Party menu and selecting Talk), which will allow you to send them to perform various tasks.

Speed up or turn back the Doomsday Clock
Sends your companion out to do either bad or good deeds across the Paradigm Worlds, affecting the coming of Doomsday accordingly.
Send your tired Companions on well-deserved Holidays
Improve Relation With a place (town, castle, village), any Primary / Secondary-In-Command noble, knight order or minor faction
Recruit Troops from any major or minor faction (over 30 to choose from), or from any slaver or ransom broker - including outside 'guilds' like Justice League and Legionnaires

Missions can come with a monetary cost, and the skills of your companion can affect the success rate. Mission time or cost can also be raised to increase the chances of success.

Companions will deliver a full extensive report of the success or failure of their mission upon their return, and any mission outcome is rewarded with experience to the Companion and the player.

Some character types might refuse to perform a mission for moral reasons, and getting to know your close allies better can be an important part of the game.

While there is no "political correctness" in the Paradigm Worlds, well-mannered creatures do not use term 'lord' or 'lady', because traditionally it refers only to ancient humans' traditionalism. If you want to avoid potential insult it is better to address their excellencies as Primary or Secondary-in-Command, as this how they should be addressed on any civilized court of any faction.

New Options for Conducting Conquest

After conquering a castle or town, players have new options:
Instead of taking over a center, the player can loot its treasury and run away with the money. Shortly thereafter, the center will come under control of a randmo major faction.
You can give away captured centers to Outlaws. Of course, this will ruin your relations with the faction that owns the center, and very generously increase your relations with the Outlaws.
You can give a center back to the Free Creatures. Any center is gonna be grateful for such a huge gift. Centers belonging to Free Creaturse are friendly or neutral to all major powers, and do not get in eachother's way.

Each option presents very interesting ideas - If you want to weaken the enemy, but are afraid you will not be able to keep captured centers, giving freedom means that no-one will take it again, while handing the center over to Criminals will keep the enemy faction busy for a while.
Of all major powers, only those lead by players can attack Commoners, and as a result start a war with Free People. All other major powers keep eternal peace with Commoners. This, of course, does not mean players should attack or besiege free settlements - it is merely an option.

Diplomacy for Minor Factions

These semi-nomadic factions do not have advanced rules. They understand and respect there concepts: Honor, Renown, and Gold.
By using corruption (money), intimidation (negative honor), or heroism (renown) you can convince minor factions to like or dislike you and any other faction.
This way the player can make an enemy of a previously friendly faction, and vice-versa. Even enemy factions, treated with respect or generosity, can become your friends.
By the same means (corruption, etc.) you can force an army to join your faction. This, however, can come with a price.

Any faction can be under a given 'diplomatic' status with a player.
Statuses include:
  • Friends
  • Insulted
  • Honored
  • Extorted
  • Truce
  • Attacked
  • Helped
  • Afraid
Statuses can last for a few days, and respectively every day relations slightly change. Relations and the improvement or degradation thereof is fluid.
Statuses can be caused by player actions, like joining a battle with a certain faction against another.
Negative effects may also be triggered by recruiting a whole party via bribery or intimidation, changing their allegiance and making them a part of your faction.

You can give orders to any friendly party. Friendly parties will join you in battle and during sieges.
If you have very good relations with a minor faction, you can use your heroism to convince the army to join your side. The targeted faction will feel 'extorted' for a few days, which in the internal diplomatic language means "Upset, but nothing serious."
Statuses can be overwritten by a new status at any time.

Peace and war with numerous minor factions may be important elements of your faction's economy. Caravans provide a lot more profit in taxes for centers. Prosperity and your income depends highly on the safety of your trade.

'It is not my last word in this subject. As in the future I want expand that system on player faction and further. That would require implementing active diplomacy between minor factions, giving them agendas, initiative, creating FLUID diplomatic connections with major factions, probably creating central leader, and so on.'
-Carol Grodecki

Points Of Interest

The Paradigm Worlds are overflowing with various anomalies (also known as 'Anomalities') that come from odd physics distortions, the effects of radiation, and mutation. Points Of Interest are things you can encounter on the world map which offer a randomized selection of events, and can have positive or negative rewards for you and your party.
The player may be attacked by viruses or radiation. Troops can get wounded, turn into zombies or mutants, or go crazy. The player may also find precious items, like valuable equipment, mutagen or healing drugs.

There are also separate events in land and sea. Sea encounters have good prizes, but are even more dangerous and can destroy your party's morale within a few bad choices.

It is a good idea to save before accessing a Point of Interest, as many of them will leave your party vulnerable as you spend time performing an action, like hunting for mushrooms or searching for water, with no option to back out of the choices (for now).

Reworked "Join Battle" System

The system is based on a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality. Factions will help you if you are in good relations with them, or join the enemy if they hate you.
Towns and castles will join battles close to their centers. The garrison of a settlement will send out help to fight a nearby lord. This can be used to your advantage, allowing you to take out a center's garrison without having to besiege them, even allowing you to take the center without a fight if the garrison is completely wiped out in battle.
Order Troops sent to help will also join battles and sieges.

Centers' Internal Politics

Nation - Means the same as a Faction.
National Armies - Armies led by lords and nobles
Core Population - Each center has 2 types of citizen - those who live in the center, and those who simply play support roles for it.

Core Population are citizens inhabiting the center. They are expected to pay 5 denar per head in weekly tax.
Loyal Citizens are creatures who do not live inside the center, but do trade, supply or otherwise work with it. Loyal Citizens can be tribals living in the wild, who come to the center from time to time. Most importantly, these creatures consider themselves a part of the faction and approve its laws, policy, etc. They pay 1 denar per head in weekly tax.

Paradigm Worlds features a more generous tax system depending on the center's wealth, trade tariffs and population tax.
Walled centers (towns, castles) have a 'happiness' system. Each week, the center evaluates its relation to its owner. There are several factors that improve or decrease relations, such as:
  • Wealth - Towns or castles in good financial condition with rich creatures are happy, and vice versa.
  • Garrison - Creatures pay taxes to feel safe, and want to see their defenses are strong.
  • Buildings - Creatures need culture and laws to peacefluly develop their small homelands.
  • Health - Disease and sickness upsets creatures.
Center Happiness may range from -100 to 100. If a center's happiness drops below -80, creatures may revolt. The game will check if the center's garrison is strong enough to hold the peace, otherwise the center's citizens will renounce their oath to the current owner and as for protection from a foreign power.


Viral Storms can attack any center or party.

Plagues have levels ranging from 1 to 15, where 1 is minor sickness and 15 is a deadly plague.
Each week there is a chance that a center will be hit by disease, and each week there is a chance the rest of the center's population will become mimune.
If a plague reaches a critical value, a dark event takes place. Disease decimates the local garrison, making the center defenseless. The core population will pass away, as will its loyal citizens. The crisis will become so severe that the center will become bankrupt, and its rents and tariffs will hit -50000 denar. Any center hit by this will need a lot of time to recover before it will start to be profitable again.

Armies can be struck by disease as well, and the above rules apply to them in a similar way. This is why the Field Hospital option in the camp is important, allowing you to cure your sick party by creating drugs to slow or remove the disease from your troops.

New Buildings:
Hospital - Decreases the chance of plague in the center and enhances the skills of special "Medicine Doctors" troops.
COLLEGE - A symbol of power. A faction that is able to teach its creatures new science and technology and can afford to fund archeological expeditions proves it can improve itself and the life of its citizens. Colleges make creatures very happy.

Special Troops:
  • Specialists are civilians, however they appear in the center as trops in the garrison, which means they can be transported by the player from center to center.
  • Medicine Doctors are a lot more effective when there is a hospital in the center. Each of this troop affects the general health of the center by improving citizens' immunity, and generally lowering the risk of disease.
  • Specialist Merchants improve the center's prosperity.
  • Professors teach other creatures and promotes them to higher statuses in society.
  • Immigration Officers deal with newcomers. It is a tourist info and work agency in one, generally helping fresh citizens find their place in modern center-life.
  • Drillmaster Sergeants improve the quality of the garrison, each improving the chance to double the weekly amount of fresh recruits.
  • Artists entertain other creatures and help improve their spiritual life.


Troops do not always die, but can be left vomiting or temporarily blinded by disease and mutation.
If they do, unfortunately, die from these causes, there is always a chance they will return as zombies, or other more powerful undead. If they lose too much sanity, they can even transform into mutants.
This does not mean you should experiment with starving your troops, of course - The consequences of starvation can be dire.

'Summonable' Troops

There are 'weapons' that, when thrown into the battlefield, will release skeletons and flying drones. Unique Summoner troops will reinforce your army by deploying these in battle.
Summoned troops and deployed drones can create tactical distractions during battles, can slow down cavalry charges, or harass enemy flanks.

Lost Legion elites can summon powerful Eagle Drones that fire light submachine guns and are capable of flight.
Engineer elite troops can call Sentry Drones, small flying probes that use light energy weapons.
Liches can call additional skeletons to the battlefield, with their more powerful versions even being capable of calling forth large groups of skeletal warriors.


At the start of any scenario, a few centers are randomly given to the Criminals and Free People of the Paradigm Worlds.

Criminals represent the bandit faction in any given era. In 6077 they may be Outlaws organized as semi-primitive looters, while in the year 10k they are a well-organized criminal syndicate known as the Mafia. Their soldiers have a military hierarchy and exert serious power in the new world order.
The organized crime syndicate naturally has more modern bandit troops, like Sicario, Mafia Soldiers and so on.

Free People are a faction traditionally representing farmers, settlers, peasants, and peaceful creatures that do not wish to live under any government. They also represent free heroes like you.

Outlaws and Commoners can possess towns, castles and villages.
Neither faction has active lords. They do not conduct any diplomacy, however as they still work like minor factions, players can improve or damage relations with them via various means.
They lack lords because they hate government. They have chosen total freedom, and accepted all the consequences that come with that.
Outlaws are always at constant war with major powers, while Commoners always have positive or neutral relations with major powers

There are a few minor factions created especially for custom scenarios / eras, like the Illuminati, Wild Band or Assimilators - They do not introduce any new troops, and are not mentioned in the official faction lists for that reason.

Miscellaneous Smaller Features

The Kumite Full Contact Tournament is a tournament where all participants fight "for real," meaning they fight with their own equipment rather than the traditional tournament equipment.

Encountered Caravans can actually trade with the player, just like town merchants do.

Players imprisoned by bandits may eventually become a leader among them, at the cost of honor. Becoming a gang leader opens a door to the world of crime, which could grant you opportunities for achieving great power... Likewise, being imprisoned by noble creatures offers a similar separate event.