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>>Quickly, stand up and grab a weapon!

You scramble to get back up on your feet, running over to the weapons embedded in the wall as fast as any man with a goblin dangling from his scalp can, and tug with all your might. The other goblins panic, trying to stop you…

...But they are not fast enough! You tear the weapon from the wall, spinning around with enough force to dislodge the goblin from your hair, and strike a menacing pose in order to strike fear in your attackers!

A… Aww…

You can’t just skewer these adorably pathetic little guys. Even in great numbers, a goblin is no more threatening than a particularly tenacious gnat.

A gnat that really, really wants to take your wallet.

You’re basically free. You could just walk out of this cave unopposed… But you still have to find out why the goblins are so ferociously robbing travelers blind!

Oh, and save Eik, I guess.