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You and Eik fidget nervously around the still-rustling bushes, edging closer ever so slowly with your blunt and unsharpened objects drawn, when the rustling suddenly stops…

>>push eik into the bushes and run

Aha, yes! The perfect way to get out of your guardly responsibilities! You're sure he'll be fine. He's a hardened smith, after all. You suppose you can just pretend you got caught by some goblins or something, and no one will ever know!

…Though you're pretty sure Eik would probably tell on you if you pushed him. A more subtle approach is in order...

You tell him to just go right on ahead into those bushes, buddy! You’ve toootally got his back if anything pops out!

As he steps closer, you step further away, waiting for the right time to bravely retreat into the woods and on to Felldetta.

WHEN SUDDENLY, EIK FALLS INTO THE BRUSH! Oh no! It was a goblin trap, all along!

Eik yells out in surprise as the bushes give out beneath his feet and gravity sends him down to CERTAIN DOOM!! You can only watch in horror as the merciless ground swallows up your smithly friend. What have you done!

Oh wait he’s okay. Dazed, but okay! Aside from the part where he has no way of getting out of this pit.

You should probably do something about that.

You jerk.