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>>retrieve arms from hair

You don’t know what an ‘arms’ is, but you HAVE misplaced things within the silky confines of your unruly locks in the past, and decide to have a dig around just in case.

Oh. So that’s where your pet fish went.

>>Try and find the color, that will make a great gift for your friend.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

>>Combine can with leftovers. It is your gift.

You pick up one of the many, many cans of 'Ride of the Valkhairies’ hairspray that adorn the corners of your abode. They’re the only things that can keep your mighty structurally superfluous mane in check!


Oh yes, Rottingham, you’re living up to your family name now!

>>Kick the pile of cans in the corner to see if anything is under them.

You foot launches a thorough investigation of can town, and uncovers…



>>fix your bed young man. while you’re at it make a can castle out of the cans strewn about your room

You are making the best use of your time on your friend’s birthday.

>>Go outside and look for potential gifts.

You get the feeling your horrible mixture of old food and heavenly haircare products isn’t going to make for the most tasty of birthday cakes. You step outside into Thornspie, and decide to seek out alternatives.

Thornspie contains such landmark structures as:

The Longhouse, which serves as the town center and houses the Jarl;

The Smith, which should be self explanitory;

The Watermill, which should be equally self explanitory as the Smith;

And the Guard Tower next to the front gate of town, next to which stands the Barracks, housing the Town Guard.

There is also a small supply shack on the south end of the town near the dock.

There are two more homes housing the sailors that go out on their boats to fish, but they are largely unremarkable.

Or, you could ignore all of the above and simply take your can of gunk and see your friend! It’s your choice.