A calm scene of Timigi taking a nap in a world similar to ours, yet different.
A common sight considering his story takes him hopping through all kinds of alternate realities, from the mundane and earthlike to the bizarre and dreamlike.
My only remark is that while the low-detail nature of the trees was an intentional effect (as I wanted them to appear as though they were made of shadow), if I were to revisit this picture again I would most likely detail the bark after all... Though I'm sure I'd ultimately miss the strangely silhouetted look.
This piece was also inspired almost entirely by the background audio of The Lodge world from V-Chat.
I often listened to it when I wanted to relax, and something about it conjured up this vivid image of a serene yet alien landscape in my mind that I knew I had to try bringing to life on the digital canvas.
If you ask me, this might be the best thing I've ever drawn. Definitely my #1 personal favorite.
VERY proud of the clouds, grass and moon in particular.
I drew this a while after my tablet broke and I had to go back to drawing with my mouse.
It's actually a remake of a picture I drew with my tablet, which itself was a remake of an older image.
It became a kind of impromptu tradition to revisit this piece every now and then when my artistic skill improved.
You can see these past iterations below:

Relaxing in Another Remake (2010)
Drawn almost immediately after getting a tablet, I redid the original picture to see how much of a difference learning how to use a different tool made in my skill level.
As you'll see below, it made a BIG difference - though in comparison to either version, the grass is completely lacking in volume which gives the image a very... hollow feeling. I don't know how else to describe it.
I think I prefer the far-off mountains in this one over the latest version... Though I'm always going back and forth on that opinion.
I left out those little red flowers you see here, too. I felt it was getting a little cluttered and that the flowers diluted the look of the grass around Timigi a bit too much. Maybe with some different colors... hm.
Drawn in Paint Tool SAI, which I did not start using until after I got a tablet.

Relaxing in Another World (MSPaint) (2009)
The original version, finalized after I gave up trying to create half of the image in Adobe Flash (as seen further below).
Drawn entirely in MSPaint, which I was quickly outgrowing at this point. You can tell I really ran out of steam working on this. For example, the glowy red fungus was always meant to cover all the trees... Yet here, I could hardly coat half of a few of them before I decided it wasn't worth the effort.
You can see there was an admirable, if misguided, attempt at adding texture to the canopy of the forest in the distance. And look at those mountains... Quaint, cartoony little snow-capped peaks.
The style of clouds was completely ripped off from the Monkey Island series, from Curse onward, as I'd always appreciated the look.
The perspective on the city in the back is very weirdly isometric, ahah. I guess they built it on a really weird hill.
I also tried my very best to have things actually cast shadows. It's not that bad, in retrospect! Just a little flat, given the grass is so low-detail.

Relaxing in Another World (Flash) (2009)
Not much to say about this one, as the MSPaint drawing was just a finished version of this. Directly traced from the Flash version, refined detailed and completed.
It was going to be a very lightly-animated little ambient thing, mostly focused on the rain falling in the background. You can still see the drops suspended in midair...