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>>Investigate fire in distance.

It seems there’s rows of fires stretching through the cavern, centered around some sort of rocky pit you can see up ahead. Smoke billows forth from it, and the sounds of excited goblin chatter can be heard from its direction. In the crevaces above, you can make out the silhouettes of goblins hastily rushing back and forth.

You can only assume it is the most important pit in the cave, and press on to investigate.

>>Name goblin something silly.

While you make your way over to the suspicious hole, you and Eik discuss what to name your cute little captive. Like… Stumpy, or Samson, or something…

Eik leans in, looking for some sort of characteristic you can name it after, as it starts shrieking in its strange goblin language!

Unfortunately, neither you or Eik payed attention in goblin language class.

Well, whatever it’s saying, it sure sounds like an unfriendly and vaguely portentous threat against your lives!

You climb onto the rocky pillars surrounding the pit. The goblins are making too much noise, singing strange songs and chanting strange chants, and the cries of your hostage go thankfully unheard.

There are goblins with picks made of bone dancing around the fire, covered in ritualistic tribal paints!

They seem to be very caught up in their ceremony. Despite your hair being impossible not to spot, they are too focused on their dances and chants to pay any attention to anything but the blazing bonfire.

On the opposite end of the pit, a small rug is laid out on the ground, and one of the goblins covers it in all sorts of food, gold, jewels, and… Oh, that appears to be a skull.

The goblins didn’t get that themselves, right?

In any case, it looks like they’re offering this as tribute to whatever it is goblins worship.

You and Eik are unsure what to make of this.