<< 2138 // January 10th>> Begin boot-up sequence. This unit is the property of 'Union Aerospace Corporation' (Copyright 2138). This unit's purpose is to log the events of Phobos station for future perusal by site staff and senior management. Construction of Phobos Station is now complete. <<2138 // January 12th>> 'Union Aerospace Corporation' officially announces mining and research operations on Phobos, with the goal of discovering the source of a strange signal, thought by Earth scientists to be from an as-of-yet-undiscovered power source. As Earth wobbles on the brink of collapse due to energy shortages, this announcement is met with universal praise from the international community. <<2138 // February 16th>> Over 10,000 members of staff are relocated to the Phobos installation. Over half of these workers are reformed, or partially-reformed criminals, due to the immense difficulty in finding individuals willing to work in such extreme, dangerous conditions. <<2138 // March 2nd>> The first riots take place across the Phobos installation, following a disastrous accident that left dozens of workers severely injured. The cause of the accident is quickly determined to be a labelling error, resulting in a barrel containing volatile materials being left in a public area. As the violence escalates, security teams are quickly able to establish a perimeter around high-importance research areas, preventing the loss of project data. <<2138 // March 8th>> After several days of violence, the riots are finally quelled. This follows a UAC announcement that conditions for workers will improve, as well as a promise that advanced medical techniques, many based on cutting-edge cloning technology, will be deployed on-site. This, however, is a bluff. No such technology exists at this time. <<2138 // July 4th>> Following several months of investigation, a trans-dimensional origin for the Martian signal is proposed by Lead Scientist [Redacted] of Phobos Station, resulting in a shift of resources towards dimensional mechanics. This results in humanity's first successful fissure between two adjacent dimensions—The SlipGate. The breach lasts only a few seconds, but cameras and other recording equipment catch glimpses of what seems to be a universe made entirely of liquid metal. This discovery, associated recordings, and a message reading "How're these for fireworks?" are broadcast to Earth. <<2138 // July 4th // +15 minutes>> The Phobos broadcast is received by Station Armstrong, orbiting Earth. The signal is decrypted and the Board of Directors are notified of the exciting new discovery. <<2138 // July 19th>> The UAC officially announces research into inter-dimensional travel, with the intention of discovering the source of Argent energy or other viable energy sources in adjacent universes. Most reactions from global powers are positive towards this new research, and any concerns are quashed due to the dire need for energy. <<2138 // November 12th>> A second breach is generated, and this time is maintained for almost a minute. Breach is terminated when a series of projectiles strike the interior of the test chamber, vaporising two researchers. Analysis reveals the projectiles were plasma-based. A contract is formed between the 'Union Aerospace Corporation' and 'Global Defence Force' to begin development on plasma-based weaponry as a precautionary measure. A signal is also received, but is dismissed by researchers. When decrypted into text data, it produces a single word: "STROGG". This information is passed to the GDF, but no public statement is ever made. <<2139 // January 20th>> Under increasing pressure from the public, the UAC Board of Directors establish two additional research bases on Mars and Deimos, which soon begin coordinating with the primary research complex on Phobos. Now with facilities capable of generating multiple, concurrent apertures into different dimensions, the rate of research dramatically increases. The novelty of inter-dimension gateways having slowly worn off, each breach is now opened for only a few seconds at a time. A quick reading is performed to see if the breach now emanates the Mars signal, and if not, the breach is immediately terminated. <<2139 // January 21st>> The GDF Ethics Board sends a letter to the UAC board of directors, stressing that contamination of our dimension, and of every dimension discovered, is an increasing inevitability. It is suggested that the rate of investigation be lowered to allow for greater safety restraints to be implemented. This request is acknowledged, but no further action is taken by the board of directors. <<2139 // February 2nd>> Following a routine breach opening at Phobos Station, a creature manages to cross the threshold. Researchers describe the creature as a diminutive, humanoid moth of some kind, holding a golden sceptre. They report that it began to rant and rave about its "Monarchy" and "Subjects". As per standard protocols, countermeasures were immediately deployed and the creature was obliterated by a hail of small-arms fire. Correspondence between the Phobos complex's security forces and the GDF Ethics Board would eventually reach the consensus that the method of extermination was "Mostly humane, probably". <<2139 // February 3rd>> The prisoner workforce is on the verge of further riots, having realised that the previous promises from the UAC Board of Directors involving medical and cloning technology were an utter fabrication. It is then suggested by the research team that tissue samples from the creature discovered the day prior be used to pioneer research into cloning and medical technologies. The GDF Ethics Board initially refuses this request, however eventually relents after they are reminded that no rights yet exist for inter-dimensional beings. Work begins on cloning a new instance of the creature. <<2139 // March 25th>> Moth #10—another "Husk"—is disposed of. Creating a viable clone is proving more difficult than previously expected. Physiologically, created subjects appear structurally sound, but neurological activity is nil. Lead Researcher [Redacted] proposes using scans obtained during initial contact with the creature, and a series of nanosurgical techniques, to replicate the brain structure of the progenitor Moth. Concerns about personality duplication and what that means for the creature's "soul" are immediately dismissed. The new techniques are adopted later the same day. <<2139 // March 30th>> Moth #11 marks the first stable, viable clone of the creature. Security and science teams stand by as the cloning vat drains of its fluids, and the moth-like specimen stumbles to its feet. Senior research [Redacted] is recorded as expressing hope this cloned entity may allow the criminal labour force, as well as disenfranchised staff, to return to Earth. They ponder if perhaps these creatures can even be trained to carry out rudimentary research, or simply menial labour. Moth #11 becomes aware of their surroundings, takes a deep breath... and begins to obnoxiously bark orders at the staff present. She speaks as if she is a Queen, and they are her loyal subjects. Comparisons to initial contact logs reveal the exact same use of vernacular and speech patterns as the original. Understandably, this is an incredibly disappointing result for the research team. <<2139 // March 30th // +10 minutes>> Following the disappointing result, a member of security is tasked with terminating the subject, but is confused when the subject begins "flirting" with him. The science team, eager to obtain at least some interesting data, decide this is an ideal opportunity to record the first-ever human-extradimensional intercourse. At first, the security officer refuses. However, following encouragement from staff, assurances of promotion and financial reward, as well as promises "not to tell (his) wife", the officer agrees to the test. [Data expunged] <<2139 // March 30th // +45 minutes>> The security officer emerges from the test chamber, exclaims "Holy fucking shit", and asks one of the other members of staff for a cigarette. He would then decline a follow-up interview. Moth #11 is recorded licking their lips, seemingly satisfied with what has just transpired. Immediately, multiple other members of staff volunteer to enter the test chamber, returning with similar results. A unanimous decision is made to allow members of staff to visit the creature for "stress relief". The GDF Ethics Board is at no time consulted during this process. <<2139 // July 19th>> A second riot is instigated by the criminal population residing on Phobos Station, and almost succeeds in breaching the primary research labs. In a desperate attempt to protect project data, senior researchers offer to give the rioters access to Moth #11. Although suspicious, this offer is accepted after the creature's intimate proclivities are listed. The first dozen men enter the test chamber, much to the creature's delight. <<2139 // July 19th // + 3 hours>> Senior Researcher [Redacted] declares a breach of quarantine after noticing that Moth #11 is missing. They are never found. However, for the following two weeks, morale and productivity spikes throughout the complex. <<2139 // August 5th>> A group of workers visit the research labs and ask to speak with Senior Researcher [Redacted]. They gingerly admit to stealing Moth #11 and relocating them to the worker bunks. They explain that they used the subject for stress relief for approximately a week and a half before accidentally "breaking it". When asked where the body is, they apologetically inform the research team that they stuffed the evidence in an airlock and jettisoned it out into space. The workers then ask the research team to clone more moths. After some deliberation, they accept, but only if all riots and violent activities cease. <<2139 // August 10th>> A new moth—Moth #12—is created. Following an investigation by a GDF mole, the GDF Ethics Board is informed of what is transpiring on Phobos station. They are utterly horrified and immediately demand that all cloning research be shut down. However, the Board of Directors blatantly refuses, citing the immense increases in both productivity and morale throughout the station. An agreement is eventually reached, wherein only one "Moth" can exist at a time, in line with terrestrial human cloning law. Moth #12 is provided to all members of staff. In particular, those with prior infringements on company policy, violent outbursts, or those who have been reprimanded in the past. The effects are immediate: Productivity skyrockets yet again. <<2139 // August 18th>> Moth #12 expires—Reportedly "Suffocated". It is unclear if this was done on purpose, or occurred accidentally. Moth #13 is manufactured on the same day. <<2139 // August 20th>> Moth #13 expires—Reportedly "Burst". This may be in part due to the fact that the entire staff are now aware of the new "services" they can request. Maximum seminal capacity is estimated at three litres, although the subject likely expired some time before detonation. <<2139 // August 21st>> Moth #14 is manufactured. Immediately, the science team notes a slight deviation in this iteration's speech pattern. They seem more confused than their predecessors as well, wandering aimlessly and even bumping into the walls of the test chamber. Some members of the science team are diverted to begin monitoring for any signs of genetic or neurological deterioration, with the hope that they may be able to collect data on the long-term effects of repeatedly cloning a single creature. It is also noted, first by general staff, and then acknowledged by the research team, that each iteration of Moth seems more receptive to sexual advances than the last. It's also increasingly evident that staff are becoming more open to the idea of engaging in sexual intercourse with them as well, perhaps due to the original Moth's personality—which almost all members of staff found "annoying"—slowly becoming less pronounced over time. Although never officially agreed upon by the research team, efforts to maintain neurological similarity between each manufactured Moth drop significantly following this revelation. <<2139 // August 25th>> [PRIMARY OBJECTIVE COMPLETE] The long sought-after source of Argent energy has been discovered, and a permanent, heavily guarded gateway into another dimension has been established for the first time. Mining operations have already begun. Sister gateways on both Mars and Deimos are established. In response to the increased stresses posed by this new discovery, an abnormal number of staff seek out "stress relief". Moth #14 is immediately dragged off by a group of workers, and is seemingly both aroused and terrified. <<2139 // August 25th // + 2 hours>> Moth #14 expires—It is unclear whether they suffocated, were treated too roughly, popped, or all of the above. Acting Mortician [Redacted] is recorded as exclaiming "Jesus Christ, there's nothing left!". After this Moth expires, the Mortician's notes become noticeably sloppier than before. It becomes unclear if an autopsy was performed for each subsequent iteration of the subject, or if the bodies were simply incinerated or otherwise disposed of without investigation. Phobos station's power systems are converted to use the newly discovered Argent energy. <<2139 // September 20th>> Moth #20 seemingly forgets to come up for air during intercourse with a member of staff. Upon being revived—something that has not been attempted, nor accomplished before—they immediately choked themselves out again. Ultimately, they only persisted for 8 hours, or roughly 2 minutes without air. <<2139 , September 21st>> Moth #21 is involved in a unique experiment, at the request of Junior Researcher [Redacted]. This iteration of the subject is immediately made aware of their past selves, the cloning technology involved, and—most importantly—the nature under which their past selves expired. Security footage and autopsy reports are shown to the subject, who initially refuses to believe the research team's claims, but eventually seems to realise it's true. The subject then expresses a mixture of arousal and terror, loudly protesting when they're handed off to the staff for further "stress relief". <<2139 // September 21st // + 1 hour>> Moth #21 expires—Reportedly suffocated, on purpose, for being too loud. This is, at least to the research team's knowledge, the first time that the subject has been intentionally killed. After consultation with the Board of Directors and a deeply unhappy Ethics Board, no further actions are taken. <<2139 // October 13th>> Moth #29 is terminated after lunging at a research team member and attempting to copulate with their face. The subject expired via a hail of gunfire. The research team member was then taken to the medical bay for treatment. <<2139 // October 15th>> Moth #35 is terminated after attacking a member of security and declaring their intention to "sire new heirs". The subject expired due to multiple, point-blank gunshots to the face. The research team begin discussing the possibility that repeated cloning is causing the subject to become more aggressive, but no further actions are taken. <<2139 // October 20th>> Moth #41 shows the same aberrant personality traits as Moth #29 and Moth #35. This time, the subject is obliterated by a member of the research team, using a prototype plasma weapon that seems to destabilise their atomic structure. When asked to clarify the name and designation of the weapon used, so that an accurate report may be created, the researcher was quoted as asking "Can't you just say it was a Big Fucking Gun?". Designation accepted. Updating UAC weapons database. <<2139 // October 26th>> Junior Researcher [Redacted] is tasked with identifying signs of personality drift and other neurological abnormalities in Moth #43. Out of curiosity, Moth #43 is handed the sceptre that their progenitor was holding when first crossing into our universe. They do not recognise the object, even when reminded, and hold it in the opposite hand from the original. Further tests conclude that the subject's dominant hand is now mirrored, although it is unknown when this anomaly first manifested. <<2139 // November 30th>> A new policy is adopted, wherein aberrant Moth instances are to be used in weapons testing. Moths #46, #49, #53, and #55 expire when their atomic structures are destabilised by a high-energy plasma volley. <<2139 // December 25th>> Moths #63-72 are generated and expire in rapid succession during an unauthorised "Christmas Party". Causes of expiration are numerous, ranging from suffocation, to blunt-force trauma, to bursting, to simple alcohol poisoning. Causes of expiration are formally reported as "Extrenuous circumstances". <<2140 // January 3rd>> An electromagnetic pulse is detected by Phobos Station's long-range sensors, originating from the sister base on Deimos. A second pulse is detected shortly thereafter, from Mars Base. Communications with Station Armstrong confirm that the bases on Mars and Deimos have gone dark. <<2140 // January 3rd // + 15 minutes>> Security teams are scuttled throughout Phobos station following reports of an attack from an unknown force. Casualties are reported in the hundreds. The first contact with "Demons" occurs. Conventional weaponry appears mostly effective, but the security forces deployed suffer immediate and catastrophic losses. <<2140 // January 3rd // + 20 minutes>> Moth #81 is used as an impromptu meat shield by a fleeing worker. However, both are promptly blown apart by a fireball. <<2140 // January 3rd // + 24 minutes>> Senior Researcher [Redacted] hurries to collect all of their research notes, issuing the formal order for an evacuation of key staff. While gathering their files, they accidentally knock a cup of coffee over the controls for the cloning vats. A fault occurs. The cloning vats lock in their last template and, unbeknownst to the escape-pod-bound staff, begin endlessly generating new Moths. <> Phobos complex lies in ruins, beset and torn apart by the unending Demon hordes. There are very few, if any, survivors. The only creatures left behind that aren't demonic in nature, are hundreds upon hundreds of cloned Moths. Each believes wholeheartedly that they're the best, the only, the original. Many of them are "defective", showing the same hyper-dominance as many of their predecessors, yet all await the arrival of their "loyal subjects", and believe they will soon be carried away to the pampered, royal life they feel they deserve. Unfortunately, whenever someone does show up, they'll either experience the "stress relief" many of their past selves succumbed to, or simply be blown apart for fun. <> There's no need to feel guilty, Marine. For each Moth you obliterate, two more are made. The cloning vats run on Argent energy, after all, humanity's long sought-after—infinite—energy source. Thousands more moths are not just a possibility, but an inevitability. It would be kinder—and more fun—if you were to thin their numbers. RIP AND TEAR. UNTIL IT IS DONE.