A grand european football stadium - or soccer stadium, if you're so inclined.
A place for users to discuss their favorite sports or leisure topics in an atmosphere rich with international flavor.
Some links around other V-Chat worlds and the V-Chat website itself listed this as "The Euro Stadium" - signage around the world itself reveals it to specifically be based on Wembly stadium.
A Microsoft blimp circles the area.
In-World Links
Microsoft Corporation
Additional Notes/Information
The image of the football player in mid-kick seems to be a stock photo. The most common result is from the cover of the book "Futbol - 1000 Ejercicios y Juegos" (roughly translating to "Football - 1000 Exercises and Games") by Bernhard Bruggmann, though the edition of this book using this image might not have been released until as late as 2004.
The image of the team putting their hands together in the air also seems to be a stock photo, used in countless places - without credit - for things like Christian websites and basketball wallpapers.
A clip plays on the big screen in the stadium, though the textures for this in my current archive of this world seem to be corrupted or cut off halfway through.
The clip in question is a snippet of
Tony Yeboah's celebrated goal for Leeds Utd (Leeds v Wimbledon, Sep 23 1995)
Below is the corrupted texture (left) and a restored version of what the full image might have looked like (right). You can see the restored clip play out in The Stadium World by replacing the "socfilm.gif" file with it.
Credit to Phil Richards for helping find the original source of the clip, and for the top-notch texture restoration!